Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Friday, September 23, 2011

4 weeks and a bottle

My baby is 4 weeks old today!
Just look at how he's changed since 1 week.. (and I changed my photo set up..)
To celebrate, his dad let him hit the bottle.. of milk that is! Tonight Isaiah got his first bottle, for some reason I had been nervous about this, but both guys did great and I got a break from feeding-
Isn't he beautiful? He chowed without much hesitation, ended up taking 5.5 ounces!
Yesterday I snapped these photos because I couldn't resist his gorgeous eyes looking at me :c)
I kinda love him..
But who couldn't?
Honey was certainly interested (She has mainly stayed away from little man, but I guess he was more approachable on the floor..)
She loves him too!

Isaiah is doing great. We are getting better at getting out on the town now. He still wakes up pretty much every 3 hours at night to eat, and usually sleeps well in between. He still loves sleeping on our chest (and I love for him to be there!). He is holding his head up much stronger now and really starting to grab onto things with his hands. I just can't believe it's been a month already!

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