we always know when honey's gotten into something. especially when that something is the oklahoma red dirt. thanks to honey's black nose and white paws, any digging she does will inevitably leave some evidence. the above picture is how honey looked when she came in today.
but later at the park, her mischievousness turned out to be a blessing! i was walking the park behind our house that i've been to many of times, but this time i went off the trail in search of some fun new picture locations. we had made our way back to the path, when honey started sniffing at a hidden off-the-road pathway. so i decided to follow, and what we found at the bottom was this beautiful crystal clear stream. seriously. i have never seen water so clear in okalahoma (remember the red dirt from above?). so we hiked along this hidden stream, and i was happy. (this is the park that i trained for the 10k on, so i've been around it plenty of times, but never knew this little wonderland existed!) and i am still happy, becuase i am alive, i am loved, and i am a child of God. 2 days ago i couldn't stop my self from crying.. now i can't contain myself from smiling :c)
speaking of smiling, here's 2 pics that should put a smile on your face. while trying to get a pic of honey's red dirt nose, i was able to capture some really funny faces!
i love my dog!
quick update on things i've been meaning to blog:
1. my 2nd anticipated sunday as come and gone, which means i've been chowing down on some chocolate, and enjoying beautiful pictures on everyone's blogs! ps. happy easter and thank you jesus!
2. my cousin had surgery on monday (open-heart, he's 2 months old). but with many prayers and a skilled medical team, he is recovering well and may get to go home this weekend!
3. i was nurse of the day at the capitol yesterday!
quick update on things i've been meaning to blog:
1. my 2nd anticipated sunday as come and gone, which means i've been chowing down on some chocolate, and enjoying beautiful pictures on everyone's blogs! ps. happy easter and thank you jesus!
2. my cousin had surgery on monday (open-heart, he's 2 months old). but with many prayers and a skilled medical team, he is recovering well and may get to go home this weekend!
3. i was nurse of the day at the capitol yesterday!
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