Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

38 Weeks

This was Isaiah 38 weeks in utero..

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And this is him 38 weeks after being born!38WeekBlog-1 
That's right! Isaiah has almost been in this world almost as long as he was in my belly! It's crazy! It's also crazy that I've kept up with my weekly photo project for almost 9 months! I'm so excited to have all these pics of him. I can't wait to see it all complete :c)
More craziness...today is my 10 year reunion. Yep, that day I was 'so looking forward to but didn't want to be there' when I was in highschool, is now here. And it's not quite as thrilling as I had imagined, but I am looking forward to seeing old friends (and spending time with one of my best friends :c) I wondered back then if I would have a husband, baby, or what at this phase. Here I am totally blessed with all of the above :c)

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