Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Monday, December 7, 2009

it's gingerbread time!

last night i hosted the 'girls/loren night' of our life group at my house. we had a fun filled gingerbread decorating night. i really need to be in bed right now, but i just wanted to share, so i'll be quick..

hannah and jennifer's



lindsey and mine

the local church :c)

and the colorful candyland house

lily lovin' all this candy!

hannah enjoyed it as well

the mess

oh, what a mess

but it was great family time!

speaking of family time. everyone who is living underneath our roof right now gathered for dinner tonight (including the 2 dogs). ray, art, my mother-in-lay, and i enjoyed a nice dinner around our new table, thanks to ray's mom for so generously giving it to us! thank you!

1 comment:

capturedbycheryl.com said...

looks like y'all had lots of fun :-)

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