Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Monday, June 23, 2008

oh how i love: love.

okay, so it sounds pretty simple.. i love love. i know its corny, but i am forever grateful for the love that my friends and family have shown me over the years, and now that i have a husband who absolutely adores me, it takes love to a whole new level. the purpose of these pictures is to show the love of a couple who will soon be committing their lives to each other. but the work that went on behind the pics expresses just as much love as the actual prints do. ray, in fulfillment of his word, pulled an allnighter the night before our mission trip to finish editing these pictures of our friends so that they could get them as he had promised. in my love for photography, ray has shown his undying love and support of me, and i just wanted to take this moment to thank him. so thanks ray! you always amaze me :c)
and about the couple.. jen and nick have been dating for years, and on some unknown date next year, will become one. both of them pretty much never stop, so i was excited that we were able to get together for this shoot!
we started at oneok in downtown tulsa (the employer of both of them)

then we moved on to a beautiful downtown church, they were wedding site shopping
during our shoot :c)

oh how i love: love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the shadow photo, very cool....Mom

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