Remember Mia? Well.. after 6 (I think) rounds of chemo and a big surgery, Mia's scans showed NED (No Evidence of Disease), which means...
For the first time in her life!
This is something to get excited about! Mia was diagnosed with Stage IV high risk neuroblastoma. Not a pretty diagnosis. If you find her one Caring Bridge, she explains all of the numbers in a recent post (Look for Mia McDowell, her explanations of all this cancer stuff are in an easy to understand lingo). But in answer to many prayers, Mia is now cancer free :c)
I just wanted to take a moment and thank our Lord for everything He's done: for allowing Mia a cancer free body, for all the support from friends and family, for the internet and it's ability to spread the word, for the many many prayers, and for all the hearts touched through this situation. I feel like it's easy to take for granted that Mia is doing as good as she is, but this battle is not over. Because this cancer is so mean, Mia is about to undergo a stem cell transplant, even though all the cancer is gone- just to make sure it doesn't come back. The transplant is quite an ordeal, meaning high doses of chemo and over a month in the hospital. So please, celebrate with me in the healing of Mia, and continue to pray for her and her family as they check into the hospital today. What a beautiful little girl-
Praise God!
I will be praying for her.
Thanks Kriea!
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