Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl and 2nd Trimester

Here was our Super Bowl Party crew last night (minus our neighbors, whose daughter prefers an earlier bedtime). I wasn't sure how much football would actually get watched with all these kiddos around (actually, I'm still not sure how much got watched), but I know that we enjoyed some good food and company! I made a new dish (I usually do when people come over, Ray will never understand why I risk it..) but it actually turned out great! It was a pintrest recipe and I thought totally appropriate for the Super Bowl- I call them potato nachos- yumm!2-3-13

In other Super Bowl news, my church has started a tradition each year of teaching 30 Second Theology on Super Bowl Sunday. Our pastor takes commercials (since we all know that's a huge part of the big game) and applies spiritual truths and Biblical verses to them. We planned on meeting some friends at church at 1pm, but Isaiah had his own plans (we tried to put him down at 11, I took the picture below at 12:50). So he went to the crib and I watched from church online, which I ended up being very grateful for. There was a tear jerker commercial in the beginning that I'm sure left many women with moist eyes, but close to the end was a commercial that I had seen before, but this time it got all my pregnancy hormones going. It was a VW commercial- "It's not the miles, it's how you live them" and I'm sure had many people cracking up throughout it... I could not stop crying. From the first baby giggle to the last old man. Let me just say I was glad to be in an empty room.

Speaking of pregnancy, I'm feeling more and more excited as time moves on. I am fully in 2nd trimester now, which is by far my favorite! I even felt the faintest kicks today, Yay! Our first purchase for the baby came in today, a double jogging stroller, woo-hoo! I've been dreaming a lot of crazy dreams this pregnancy (almost every night), and the other day dreamed that I got a sneak peak of pink.. but we won't officially find out until mid-March (I'm thinking this baby will be a boy, so don't get too excited you crazy people!). I also dreamed I was in Russia trying to climb a snow covered hill while carrying a baby on my hip (around 9 months old) who was only wearing shorts and a tshirt. I felt bad because I couldn't keep her out of the snow as I slid down... who knows..
I also can't stop reading Isaiah's birth story. I came across a blog the other day that simply lets women tell their birth stories (Lindsey, you're probably the only other one who will enjoy this..). I copy and pasted mine from my blog (with a few edits) and it got posted today! Even though I read through the whole thing when I submitted it, I read it again today. And relived some of it on my drive home. And recalled the feeling of pushing out an 8 pound baby. And despite the fact that I can distinctly remember saying 'never again', it is with the sweetest memory that I recall this. God is so good, that's the only way I can get this to make sense. But I'm getting anxious to see my sweet baby's face (it's weird to think that it won't be Isaiah's..). But I also want to enjoy the beauty of pregnancy.

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