Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by my blog- a place where I share a bit of my photography, a bit of my life, and a lot of me! I am in love with the life that God has provided me. I live with my wonderful husband in central Oklahoma, in the town of Edmond. I am a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I enjoy my work as a nurse and photographer. I adore sweets, nature, and my pesky (but cute) boxer, Honey. I feel that I am blessed with a passion for photography, and pray that I am able to bless others through it.

Thank you for being here and sharing the experience with me!

Friday, January 8, 2010

favorite weddings of '09

**update from previous post:
my cousin is still fighting hard, so please keep up the prayers.
my grandpa did actually have a heart attack. he had a stint placed yesterday morning and is recovering well. he should be going home this afternoon. thanks for the prayers~
on to my favorite wedding pics. there's actually more than whats here, it's just too many for my to post.. so i hope you enjoy the ones i got to! i already have 4 weddings booked for next year, with more inquiries coming in.. can't wait for the new year of new pics!

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