I saw on pintrest where someone photographed all the mundane parts of their child's day, just to document the day. They of course had nice, sharp pictures all put together with the exact time on each pic. I took the pics and am getting them blogged, and call that good for me! I chose to document Isaiah's first day of 2013. I missed the naptime and when we took aunt Lisa to the airport, but I think it will be fun to look back on his day (even though this wasn't the most typical day).
8:12-We woke up after sleeping the last hour on the couch together

8:12-We woke up after sleeping the last hour on the couch together

He hits the day running

And asks for the music to be turned on

Then we boggie

At 9:13 we stop for breakfast, an omlet and oranges

Food makes this kid happy

Next up is a diaper change

Acting like this is an easy task..

Shortly after 10 he goes to give daddy good morning hugs

At 10:50 the two buds head outside together

Never mind the freezing temps, this kid loves the outdoors

After mom got too cold, it's back inside for a water break

And some hoops

Next the dog needs pestered

Around 6:30 pm Isaiah masters getting onto mom and dad's bed

And plays with a ball, naked, while delaying a bath

6:50 and he's finally in the bath

Then Isaiah's favorite part, brushing his teeth!

Finally it's story time, then mom rocks her sweet boy to sleep :c)

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