So my son just got in the car to go to Tulsa, without me or his dad. My sister was going up this weekend and my parents thought it would be fun if she could bring Isaiah and let us have an evening out. It felt weird to say yes, let me send my kid with someone else to take care of, but it's really a win-win for everyone (as long as he does a good job in the car for aunt Kacey, and hopefully has a good night as well..)! Here are some photos I was wanting to share from our last trip up, he got to help Grandma make some really yummy snickerdoodles (and I don't doubt that they'll be making more cookies this weekend!).
He was interested in the big mixer after playing with a play mixer that was part of our food set when my sister and I were kids (and this is how crazy old toys are, the play mixer actually turned on after 15+ years in a closet and goes at a ridiculous speed, we had to warn Isaiah not to put his fingers in the bowl!)
Getting spoiled at Grandma's house (look at those big lips gathering all that cookie dough!)

He's a pro already

He enjoyed the task of coating snickerdoodles.

And was trying for another taste test!

This is serious work going on here-

And now for the prize..


They actually were really good snickerdoodles, my mom and I decided they were even her best batch! I appreciate my family taking him for the weekend, Ray and I will enjoy dinner and a movie after I get done with my shoot tonight! And until then, do I mop the floors, clean the garage, put things in the attic, or sleep.. hmm.
*side note: I bought 2 pairs of jeans, a hoodie, 3 nice shorts (khaki weight/style, not athletic), 2 collared shirts, and a pair of swimming trunks (all Children's Place except one Old Navy and one Osh Gosh) for $2.25 today. Deal of the garage saleing morning!
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