Happy Easter!
The reality of what we celebrate on this day just always seems difficult to grasp. This year I've been thinking more about what the disciples and people of that age felt on the days between Christ's death and his resurrection. Sometimes I have a hard time remembering that after Jesus died, they didn't know that he would rise a couple days later, they didn't understand just what was being fulfilled, and that Sunday's a Coming. Just like in our life, it's amazing to look back and get the full realization of everything that happened after an event, but during it, it's difficult to make out the reasons behind what's happening. I just praise God that we can rest in Him and His eternal plan. I continue to pray that His word be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105) to guide me in the steps I need to take each day.
I hope that you were able to enjoy Easter with a knowledge of how precious God's grace is. That is the reason for the cross, and I am forever grateful. I ended up picking up a night shift at Deaconess from 7p-7a Sat night, so I came home and slept before I really started me Easter day. We went on an egg hunt at a local church with some friends on Saturday, did a mini-hunt in our front yard (Isaiah is at a good age to pick eggs up and put them in a basket). We attended church with both Ray's sister and my sister (and Matt), then had dinner with them after. I snapped a few pics along the way, but none I feel as cute as his Easter pic from last year..

**The above pic almost gives me baby fever it's so cute! (which I don't get often.. good thing there's one comin'!)
Here's Isaiah this year taking in the scene at the egg hunt on Saturday
We joined his buddy Franki and her family there!

At home he wasn't quite as distracted

and even found the 'hidden' eggs that fell in the bushes!
Loading up

"I see you mom!"
Look at that tongue of determination-

He learned yesterday there can be goodies inside, too bad I didn't hook him up..

Here's what a pregnant Easter bunny with a camera looks like
(ps, I couldn't believe the number of DSLR's at the egg hunt yesterday, it is a total 'mom camera' now!)

A couple of his fav's: Aunt Kacey and Uncle Matt

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