my life is full of blessings. i realize this.
but last week, it was undeniable.
one such blessing was that my dad was in town this week. he lives in odessa, tx, but his work sometimes brings him up this way and it's always great to get a chance to see him. the first blessing that came out of this is the deal we got on our 'crank' couch in our game room. since we have a roommate, our guest bed is occupied, so we went out shopping last minute and found the futon-like couch we were looking for on sale at garden ridge.. what an awesome place!
but the biggest blessing of his trip up here was our rib cookout! i have always loved my dad's ribs, but i haven't had them in years, and now that we have a grill, i wanted ray to know how to cook them. so it was perfect timing that my dad was able to show him the ropes..
here's what i look like enjoying them, i thought you would enjoy this pic of me as a kid better than a 25 year old adult with bbq sauce all over her face :c)

the next one is not really my blessing, but it belongs to my
stepdad. now let me premise that he is an avid fisherman, and my mom for years now has the record of the biggest bass in our family at 8lbs. but this week
felton was able to reel in this
huge 11 pound bass in
texas!! i guess everything is bigger in
texas~ but like any true fisherman, he released his fish to continue to grow into an even bigger fish.
i'm proud of you

this is one of my shots
straight out of the camera from my wedding last weekend. i just love the
silhouette with the color, and of course the flair! i consider the capturing of this picture a blessing..

which leads to my next blessing. moments after taking the above picture, we rushed outside to hurry off to the reception site. in the above stated pace, i placed my camera with my big stalker lens on a bench outside to snag a quick shot of the couple in the limo, when my very expensive lens went crashing to the ground! this is what it looked like when i picked it up.

i'm surprised martin and
elene didn't have to revive me on the spot (martin's an er nurse and
elene's in pharmacy school). but i just had to pack it away to deal with later. the next day ray was able to work with it and get the lens filter off, which gives us the biggest blessing of the week.....
it was just the filter!!
my lens works beautifully, i had to make an adjustment on the body, but now it is back to normal, and the only thing injured was a cheap uv protection filter (it protected not only the sun, but the very mean ground!)
whew, i'm still recovering over this :c)
but i almost forget my blessing last night.. 1 was ordering some
totally rad actions for
photoshop that
i've been looking at, and for some reason, unable to get the past couple weeks. but lo and behold, last night they were on sale and i finally got my order to go through! i love sales :c)
i hope you have a blessed weekend!
i'll be shooting an engagement shot and easter shot today!