after 1 week and 4 failed attempts... we now own this home!!
closing ended up being a blast with my realator, melinda, and martgage guy, chad- it was actually a 'barrell of fun' (i know, cormy). but seriously, if your going to be buying a house, let us know and we'll hook you up with these wonderful people!
look at this wonderful gift they gave us!!
ray signing with the monkey taunting him..
now he's getting in on the action!
and here's some more pictures of our day with tabias. i don't know i only took pics when he was eating (maybe i knew i would need evidence that we fed him, since we neglected to fix a plate for him later that night at the party...). the first two pics were at wild wings where tabias was enjoying some original wings!
i love the side lighing here!

and the expression of anticipation here!
and this was tabias eating the cupcakes he made!

and ray assisting with the cleanup!
congrats on the house finally! I've got a great house warming gift in mind....
Congratulations!!! What an exciting time & what a cutie Tabias is!!
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