what a welcome back we received yesterday as we stepped out of the airport into the dreary, rainy weather! i was expecting that out of seattle (but thankfully we didn't see even a raindrop!), so i didn't mind having to deal with it when we got home.
trip was fabulous.
nichole made sure we saw all the sites:
public market,
mt. rainier,
space needle, the beach, the troll under the bridge, gas works park, and more coffee shops than we could dream of! the food was great, the hills were steep, and the company was awesome!
the only downside of the trip was a lesson learned. i planned on taking some great pics to sell on my photo life groups website (which is still under construction), but when packing, i took out a full battery and replaced it with a dead one (i don't know i didn't pack all 3), i did not pack my charger, and while roaming the streets of seattle, i had my time out timer set at 15 min.. so by the second day i had no battery life :c( but here's some pictures i did get on the first day.
ashley, nichole, sydnie, and i
2 of seattle's most well known items..
the flowers at the market were nothing short of stunning!
each bloom was perfect (and cheap!)
from fresh flowers, to fresh fish
seafood was everywhere!
and it wouldn't be complete with fruits and veggies!
i loved the display and the vivid colors
a warning sign..
musicians were everywhere, setting a great mood for the shoppers
then we trekked it to the space needle!
which was surrounded by some great fall foliage!
a carnival feel

again, more color and more sea
saturday morning we went to the market right outside of nichole's apt.
the squeaky cheese was our favorite!
these were the only shots i got on mt. rainer, which had so many breath taking views.
but this place was a hidden moss covered forest..amazing!