ps. to celebrate our 1 year, we went to church, did the final walk through on our house (which we'll be signing for later today!!), did some school work, baked an apple cake, then we took some couple pictures in the field i posted from last wednesday (i'll blog them i soon as i get them!) and had a fabulous dinner at a new asian bar. it wasn't the european trip that i had been planning on a year ago... but it was a beautiful day with the man i love, it was wonderful.
pps. photos by kriea arie, an amazing photographer
and while we posting dancing faces pics, here's my high school friend jessica having a blast with her now fiance at my *wedding!
*pictures from my wedding courtesy of Art by Kriea, an amazing photographer and inspiration to me :c)
and to be fair to all, here's the 4 of us dancin' the night away in vegas!
and since we're on the subject of dancing.. tonight i will be learning a special kind of dance that only my hubby will ever get to see. it's danna's bach party tonight, and the wedding is next week (which means more wedding pics to come!) wish me luck tonight!
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