I'm so excited for my sister and brother-in-law who are going to be adopting! I designed this announcement for them to be able to share. 

People make this whole aunt thing look pretty fun (I feel like it's the awesomeness of grandparenthood, without my children being grown). And I so enjoyed having cousins close to me, I'm excited for my boys to enjoy the same. My sister Kacey and her husband Matt are now officially a waiting family with Deaconess Adoption agency, so we pray a new baby will be in the family soon! For those who don't know, it's a domestic adoption agency, where the birth family chooses who they want to be the parents. Matt and Kacey have done all the paperwork, home studies, and interviews, so now they wait until they get chosen. The birth mom could be in her second trimester of pregnancy when she picks them, or they possibly could get a call from the hospital from a family who makes the decision after birth, talk about a life changing phone call! So they are in a time of being as prepared as they can be, while they wait for who knows how long. They have already paid some of the fees, and will pay another bulk when they are chosen, and the rest after the baby is born. I wanted to help with some of this cost, so I decided to do a t-shirt fundraiser. It may be selfish, because I don't feel like I have enough Thunder wear, but I thought it would be awesome to do a shirt to cheer on our town's team, and also raise money for Matt and Kacey. Big thanks to my aunts for working on the design with me! I should have posted this sooner, but if you want to help support, below is the flyer with the info. You can go to www.booster.com/thunder to order a shirt (or two ;c) The campaign ends this Wednesday (May 13), so don't do what I do and wait too long! Thanks so much!