Saturday marked 35 weeks for baby Isaiah!
That means only 5 weeks until d-day, or 2 weeks until full term!
Ray and I were able to spend some time yesterday finishing up some projects for the baby. I finally finished my mobile I've been so excited about! I really had a hard time figuring out what I wanted exactly, but am thrilled with the results (I will show more detail on it later). My friend Michelle finished recovering the rocking chair, so now it ties some of the colors together very nicely and looks great in the room. We hung a few more things on the walls, put up the baby shower gifts, and even installed the base of the carseat in my car :c)
Here is a quick snapshot of the room (taken by my phone, forgive the poor quality). I will do a complete post on the room and projects when everything is complete.

After working on baby stuff, Ray's sister came in town and we went out to eat to celebrate her birthday. Afterwards we stopped by Braums for icecream and all ended up with a double dip cone. It's been forever since I've had a double dip, and when I was taking the picture below the guy behind the counter asked why I was taking a picture.. I simply replied, 'because it looks like summer!'

Have a great day!