Kritin & Justin said "I do" 2 weeks ago on Aug 14. They should just now be getting back from a wonderful honeymoon, so what better time to post their pics! It was a beautiful day and the amount of people who showed up to share in this special time attests to how truly loved this couple is!
They had their wedding at their church, RealLife, in OKC
They had their wedding at their church, RealLife, in OKC
Mom and daughter getting ready together
Hair and Makeup
I like the Sooner Wed in the background here..
The beautiful bouquet
I love this getting ready shot. She's got a million things going on, and is as happy as can be :c)
Purple was the color of the day, and I think it compliments Kristin very well!
You make a stunning bride!
Moments from the first look..
I thought this was just too perfect to pass up!
Rockin' it together!
*sigh... all I can do with these boys... and laugh. They were a blast in front of the camera!
I think the girls had a good time as well!
This picture I just had to include because of the hard time Justin gave just about everyone (including me). Here's grandma showing him what's up.
Just look at the fear on Justin's face!
Loved this moment.. the moms always find this amazing connection
Special prayer time
The perfect end to a fabulous day!
Thank you so much Kristin and Justin for letting me be a part of your big day!
God Bless your lives as you tackle this world as one!