right now, that 'thing' is running. it seems like everyone is running these days, and since i was always the kid who would jump off the bridge if everyone else did, that must mean i need to be running as well. there. i've said it online, now i must follow through :c)
so today honey and i went on a run (her longest yet!) and i came home and made this delicious salad (thanks to hubby's flavorful leftover chicken breast). it was yummy and very filling!
now kacey (my sister) is going to be looking for a 10K for us to run.. wish us luck!
now kacey (my sister) is going to be looking for a 10K for us to run.. wish us luck!
p.s. and due to a 'thing' from the past (where i couldn't ignore a number that was placed in my hands), yesterday was my first day of clinicals for this semester!