for those of you who don't know, ray and i are
sponsoring a child from
ghana through
compassion international. he is an amazing 7 year old boy named
eric. with our help, he attends a christian school in his own community, and it is amazing to see how God is working through him. we get to write letters back and forth, which are translated with the help of compassion. we send pictures, and he sends us drawings. this is our third letter to get from
eric, and i love to hear his passion for God.

the only problem with this? in our last letter to
eric, we informed him that we are
recently married and have no children, just our fish. in his letter to us, he congratulated us on our recent marriage, and then proceeded with this statement: "i pray for God to give you a bouncy baby boy this year." WHOA! wait a minute. ray says "we are on the 3 year plan", and i say "not now". and the only way we would have a baby now is if God says so. i was okay with that, UNTIL i find out i have an adorable young boy half a world away praying for my future child! now i believe God listens to all prayers, but i also believe there is a special place in his heart for a
child's prayer. so where does that leave us? ray is not worried, but after the baby infested week i had last week (my new baby cousin was born, i attended a baby shower, learned of a couples difficult trial for a baby, and found out a close friend of mine is pregnant)
i'm not too sure of things. but it's great to know that i have security that what ever happens, its all in God's plan (or a child's prayer).
p.s. sorry for the underexposure on the pic, i can't get the better one to upload.